On Sale for $100 through July 2, 2021 (full price $200)

Snatching your Identity Back – 6 week Masterclass

the butterfly academy

For the next 6-weeks, I want to take you on the journey of tapping into your God-given identity that God created you to be.

See yourself through God’s eyes and embrace your true purpose in life. 

For the next 6-weeks, I want to take you on the journey of tapping into the God-given identity that God created you to be.  During these 6 weeks, my goal is to dig deep and allow you to:

See how the enemy wants us to quit

See how you have allowed so many people, places and things to committee spiritual Identity Theft against you.

Gain clarity about your identity

How to protect yourself from this spiritual identity theft

How to stop the enemy from opening those old doors, old wounds, and to remind you of your God-given right to walk in FREEDOM!!

Arm yourself for battle to stay aware of spiritual identity theft

Have you ever felt like you were having a midlife crisis? Have you ever had questions about your purpose and your destiny? Do you feel you let others dictate or validate your discussion? 

Well, I have been there…

Listen, I am you and you are me. In 2015 I felt like I was having a midlife crisis aka identity crisis and others around me thought I had it together, but I was still trying to find my place in the land outside of being a wife, mother, sister, daughter, pastor wife, etc.

I wanted to know what my God-given identity was here on earth and after experiencing a near-death situation, I learned the power of “Snatching my Identity Back”.

I want to show you how I had to do the work and take the proper steps to metamorphosis into what I was created to be. This is a process and I want to show you how I continue to do this.



On Sale for $100 through July 2, 2021 (full price $200)

Client love for Tonya Harden

"I put everyone else's needs before my own..."

Unexpected things that changed my priorities were getting in God’s way and putting everyone else’s needs before my own. Losing 2 nephews on 2 different occasions, caused my faith to waiver tremendously.

In my job I am a mentor to my students, at the church, I am a mentor to our youth and our women, and at home, I’m everything else.

I didn’t know how to say “no”.

I felt overwhelmed often. I’d been holding on to past hurt but I’m finding my way back to who God has called me to be.

Lady Tonya Harden in the short time that I have been a part of your Game Changer page I have truly been encouraged and blessed. I don’t know who added me to your group but I thank God for that individual and I thank God for you being so REAL!!

I’ve never met a 1st lady like you and I LOVE IT! I’m ready to step into my next, I know without a shadow of a doubt there is Purpose in my Pain.

"This Girls Trip has been WONDERFUL, BLESSED, AMAZING..."

Lord, I truly THANK YOU for all you have done for me, through me, and what you’re about to do!!!

Again this Girls Trip has been absolutely WONDERFUL, BLESSED, AMAZING, REJUVENATING ETC! People, it is so important to listen to God and obey Him on every assignment that He puts in your Spirit because you never know who will be blessed and helped by
your obedience, amen church!

Again, Lady Tonya Harden keep obeying God; the BEST is yet to come!!! -Lynn Brown

Program agenda

Week 1

Identity Theft

Week 2

Show you how I am you and you are me

Week 3

What does God say about you and your identity

Week 4

How to protect your spiritual identity

Week 5

How to choose FREEDOM Choosing Freedom

Week 6

Arm yourself for Battle


On Sale for $100 through July 2, 2021 (full price $200)

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