Build your OWN Table!!

Proverbs 16:3: Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Good morning my Sister in Christ,

I can’t believe we are already getting ready to celebrate my BIRTHDAY MONTH lol… Just kidding.  I can’t believe that we are entering into the mid-year of this year, meaning that we only have six more months left in this year.   I pray that whatever you promised yourself to do this year, you are closer to your goals than you have ever been. I pray that you have been walking in Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”   If not I come to encourage you this morning to get back to planning and focus on your dreams.  

Let’s Talk!!!

Sometimes we don’t understand how our vision and dreams are so much bigger than ours.  God has given you something that no other creature has on earth which is a brain that can create things.  Meaning, that when someone made the chair, they had to become creative to believe that they could make a place for someone to sit down instead of stand or sit on floors.  That person had to create this idea in his/her imaginary mind first and then find out how he or she could make a chair out of wood.  I am not sure who made the chair lol, but let’s talk about the Wright Brothers.   The Wright Brothers had the idea that people should be able to fly in the air like a bird.   They decided to create something that would allow people to fly.  I can only imagine how their creative juices started to go off and their mind started to imagine how they could put this thing together.  Because of the Wright brothers’ imagination, we are now flying in planes today.  The amazing thing is that the Wright brothers had to make sure they had the right tools and the right measurements to build this plane.   The power in it is that they did not wait for anyone to build it for them, they understood if they did the research and got the right information they could build a plane. They built their own table, they didn’t wait on anyone.  

Albert Einstein stated, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution”.

If you want to know why I push my purpose so hard, it is because I am a girl who has seen something in my mind and decided I could create. After all, I was created by the creator and so were you.   Listen, I don’t push purpose because I believe that it’s a figment of our imagination and just a dream.  I believe that our dreams can be turned into reality, but we can’t wait for no one to build this dream, why because God gave you the dream not them.   Sis, you can have the vision, dream it, and then watch it manifest right before your eyes when you do the work and connect with the right people to help nurture your dream.  You will be invited to other tables that will change your entire generation because you learned how to build your table.   I am not telling you something I heard, I am telling you something we are living in right now and know the power of building your own.  

This time last year I had a creative idea to build a six-month program for women that will show them how to get unstuck and learn how they have what it takes to start a ministry or start a nonprofit organization or start a business.  I also had a feeling that when I created this program it would be bigger than what I thought it would be because it was so heavy on my heart to do (will share more below).  So I did the following steps that I have been teaching for years, I had to start using my steps to success:

  1. Praying- I started asking God what and how he wants me to create this virtual experience for women who are stuck

  2. Preparing-  I started writing the vision down and making a plan (Habakkuk 2)

  3. Planning– I got with my brand developer and we started creating the strategy for this creative idea.   Let me pause to say “There is power in partnership and collaboration with someone who believes in the creative idea with you”.

  4. Pursue–  I had the date, time, content, and curriculum for this program.   The BAM 6-month Program was ready to start in January 2024.  

  5. Purpose Driven to complete the plan – Now I am watching the plan unfold and manifest right before my eyes.  ONLY God can get the glory because he’s the CEO of this plan.    

Listen, last year it was just an imagination to do a 6-month Program to show women how to thrive in their divine purpose.   I have spent time with these ladies for the last six months and when I tell you to see the vision come alive in them is more than I could ever ask for.  These ladies are leaving this program writing books, starting ministries, starting nonprofits, and starting businesses (tears of joy right now).  I am watching their creative juices come alive and it had nothing to do with me, it has everything to do with the gifts that were already in them.    BAM Program ladies, when I say I am overwhelmed with the woman you are becoming and your gift that was just sitting on the shelf and now you are about to walk in it as long as you SEE, BELIEVE, and DO IT. 

As I stated earlier, while creating the 6-month BAM Program I felt like it was going to be bigger than me.  Earlier this year my hubby and I attended a business bootcamp program to learn more in business.  Long story short,  in April my husband and I went on a business trip to San Diego for this program and we met a lady who was in the same program with us and she had a business that helps businesses with funding opportunities.   She walked up to my hubby and I said these words…. God said we need to connect because I feel like you guys do more than what you shared during the boot camp.  Remind you this lady does not know us and no one at this event knew our entire story of all the things that we do.  So, around the end of May right when I am getting ready to start ending the 6-month BAM Program,  she reaches out to ask for a meeting with us.   She asked us questions and wanted to know everything that we do, and we told her how we are Pastors with nonprofits and our other businesses.   She said these words that messed me up……Tonya, what would you do if you were to gain funding for any opportunity? What would it be and how would you use the funds?  I heard God so clearly say: share your full dream with her and I hesitated of course, but  I shared it.  OMG, this lady’s eyes grew big and she started sharing the opportunities that are available to use my BAM Program and other opportunities.   Sis, after this meeting I looked at my husband and said did that just happen.  I can’t share the full dream yet, but you know if you are a part of this email blog I will share the testimony in it once God finishes what he started.  

What am I saying and why am I sharing this with you?  Sis, you do not have to wait to sit at other people’s tables, you can BUILD YOUR OWN.   I realized after I finished that call and talking with my husband I have been building my OWN TABLES since 2015 and God has been allowing my gifts to make room for me and my family.  Every book I wrote, every class I took, every class curriculum I created, every failing-forward moment I have had, every trial, every adversity, and every victory was worth it.  Most of all everything I have done up until this moment was connected to this next opportunity.   Your Destiny is connected to your daily routine.  

You don’t need anyone’s permission unless you are partnering with someone, but you don’t need anyone’s approval, but God.  Noah built the ark with only God’s approval, not man’s, David fought Goliath when he was a little boy and people wondered how is this little boy going to kill this giant, but something in David said I can kill bears and lions I know I can kill this.  You know that there is something in you saying you can do this.   Come here, Mary was told she would carry Jesus and she realized okay God said that I am the woman for this job.  She didn’t have any other choice, I believe if she had said no she would have been miserable.  Maybe this is you, you know God said to do something by you have procrastinated for so long you are miserable because you were not obedient.  Because of Mary’s obedience, she was able to carry the promise and do something that was never done before. You are Mary and Mary is you…. You don’t have a choice you have to do it because so many people depend on your gift, so do it SIS.   God has given you the tools or there is someone you are supposed to connect with like Mary did. Mary had to connect with her cousin.  She went to her cousin Elizabeth, she did not have the tools she thought, she was not ready, but because she went to Elizabeth her baby leaped.   Wait… see now that we make me preach lol…. Sometimes you have to connect with people who will make your spiritual dream leap.  Come here, like the ladies connect to the BAM Program…. My husband and I connected with the Bootcamp for business…. Our babies leap. Our business will never be the same after that Bootcamp and also I believe the BAM Program will never be the same.  Let me stop…..

I just came this morning to encourage you during my birthday month lol to encourage you.   Don’t quit on your dream.  What did you say you were going to complete this year? Have you continued to pray, plan, and pursue?  If not, what are you waiting on?   Remember this:  What separates dreamers from the doers? GOALS .  You must have goals.  Steve Harvey stated:  Without goals, your dreams will someday remain a phenomenon instead of today’s reality.   Goals are the key ingredient that helps us stay focused, consistent, and diligent on our path to achieving our dreams.  

Lastly, I want to leave some valuable principles I learned from a book by Steve Harvey that will allow you to “Build your OWN table” with smart goals:

    • If you want to get crystal clear about your purpose, set up a FREE 45 min. Discovery call. If you have not ever had a discovery with me.  

      Make your goals specific– Your goals are not just random ideas floating in your head.  Your goals must be crystal clear on what, how, why, when, and where.  

    • CLICK HERE or see the video below to Watch this quick video on Starting Again.

      Get real and relevant– There is nothing worse than having a goal that has you running in circles.  Make your goals relevant to your finish line.  If you are committed to launching your idea on social media, stop wasting time.  START now or start again  

  1. Tailor your Time– Your goals must have a deadline.  When I started Women of Destiny there were certain goals I had each year for the women to thrive and grow, but I had to have a deadline to see it manifest.  In our business, we have to have a goal amount of money that we have to make to be a successful business.  Not that we are solely focused on the dollar amount, but having time-related benchmarks helps us to create ways to meet the needs and financial goals of our businesses.    

    • If you want a development plan that will allow you to start, sustain, or scale your business for success. CLICK HERE to Join Lions Den and go through our development plan process for business owners.

Answer these questions that will help you on your journey:

What will be your next goal?

What will be your target and timetable for the next goal?

How will this goal prepare me for the next milestone?

If goal A doesn’t work, how can I put myself in a better position to achieve goal B or goal C?

Whom can I partner with to make the next step happen at a higher quality or quicker pace?

You have had that dream on the shelf all year, you have six more months left to start the plan. I am you and you are me. I have been there before and sometimes still have moments, but I realized when I take one step God gives me a glimpse of the next step and he continues to do that until I finally get to my gate opportunities.  I feel like I am at the gate for this next opportunity. I just have to take the next step to open the gate for more opportunities.   Sis, you did know there is a time when you will no longer just open doors, but you will open up gates, which has an overflow of opportunities versus door opportunities.  Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what God has in store for you girl…..  You have what it takes to start, JUST START, or Continue the plan.  

Your sister in Life, Love & Prosperity,

Tonya Harden

P.S. Now if you are ready to start a business, join your girl in the Lion’s Den Small Business Community where we teach people how to start, sustain, and scale their business, or date us in our FB community. 

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