I am so grateful to be here another year and so glad that God has chosen to wake me up this morning clothed in my right mind. Every year I find a reason to celebrate my birthday month by doing something different in the month of June. When I find a reason I start something or continue something by Planning, Preparing, and then Pursuing that very thing.

As I stated in the last email you mustn’t take your dreams to your grieve, but you plan and prepare for your future, by leaving a legacy that will change lives and also blow your mind because you completed what you started. But most of all when you leave a legacy it allows God to get all the glory because you learn how to walk by faith and not by sight. You learn to trust God in every decision that you make which builds your faith and then allows God’s favor to follow your faith. You start to FAIT IT sis.

Ladies this year I wanted to take some ladies on a journey of becoming unstuck and remind them of the gifts that were already on the inside of them and the goal was for them to start something or continue what they started. We complete this 6-month program this past MONDAY!!! My goal for my birthday this past 6 months before my birthday was to show women that they can do whatever they put their minds to, but most of all to show them how God has created a way for them to do just that.

In January of this year, I took some ladies through my proven process of getting unstuck. They showed up, did the work, and stayed committed and they are now leaving this mentorship program with crystal clear clarity about their purpose. They are armed with the knowledge they need to build something they put on the shelf and now they are about to build their own tables. For 6 months these ladies did not miss a beat they showed up for their purpose and are now about to see it manifest right before their eyes.


BAM ladies I am so proud and I CELEBRATE you because sis we DID IT!!!! We completed 6-months of deep diving in so much. Your journey starts NOW and I can’t wait to see it unfold. Please remember you are a product of God’s grace and mercy when you see yourself through God”s eyes and not people. You are not alone, but most of all with God being your CEO, you got this, don’t you DARE QUIT. Congratulations Ladies on completing the 2024 Butterfly Academy Mentorship 6-month Program. You DID IT!!!

They remind me while in the class of the importance of having a community for those that I mentor/coach or those who want to be mentored/coached by me. Because of them and for those that reach out when I stop going live on social media as much and stop the Kingdom Women Connect Facebook group. I realized I was stretched and had too much on my plate, but I have learned how to shrink my plate (BAM Insider). This time God has sent me some help to help maintain this community. WOD Ladies & My email blog always get first notice on anything I am doing. Why? Because some of you guys have been rocking out with your girl since 2015 and I always want to show my appreciation for you being a part of my different ministries or communities. THANK YOU for supporting and always reading my long blogs, but most of all thank you for listening to this country girl as I share my experience in Life, Love, Marriage, Ministry, and Money.

With that said feel free to join the BAM Community, where I will be going Live more, having book clubs, and sharing principles that will allow you to process so that you can progress in Life, Love, Marriage, Ministry, and Money. Join today and let’s continue to grow together.

Now don’t look for me to go live until next month sometime lol. After these 6 months, your girl needs a break. I am on a much-needed vacation as we speak, but I wanted to stop by to celebrate my birthday with my WOD Ladies & email blog family. I will be back and ready to keep pushing through 2024 in about 2 weeks, I not only need this vacation, but I am going to have some ME time when I get back home. Until stay blessed and Let’s continue to grow, glow, and go thrive into our divine destiny.

Lastly, you don’t want to miss the next BAM program. God has already placed on my heart what to do and I can’t wait until it unfolds completely, If you want to know about it sooner than later…….Join our waiting list for the next BAM Mentorship opportunity, due to limited seating for this coming-up program.

Butterfly Academy


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