You Have What it Takes

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Good morning Destiny & Happy New year,

First I want to say thank you for being a part of my email blogs and I pray that we have had a chance to grow together through every email that I have sent, but most of all I THANK YOU. Thank you for reading the emails and thank you to those to that I have reached out to say how the emails have encouraged, empowered, or made you do something you have never done in your life. It is so encouraging when you let me know your feedback it encourages me to keep sending these email blogs. Thank you for growing with me.

Let’s Talk!!!

If you are reading this email then that means that you are still here by the grace of God. You beat the odds, you have not lost your mind, you are still breathing and you have the evidence that God can and will. I pray this year that you don’t just make a New Year’s Resolution, but you find a Reason to do purpose. Yes you know I am going to always remind you, sis, that you are designed to do great things but you were created by the GREATEST in the world. You have what it takes. Your destiny is connected to your daily routine.

Let me pause and ask you some questions. I want you to think about it before you answer these questions. My questions are:

1. What is the thing that you believe you can do or that’s impossible for you to do that you can’t stop thinking about and talking about?

2. What is that thing you believe you need to do that will help more than 5 people?

If you could answer one of those questions. I want to let you know that this is your passion and sis somewhere in your passion lies the clues to your deeper purpose. It is my hope that you will recognize that purpose in 2023, that divine investment placed within you, and gain all the resources to get the education, knowledge, information, and wisdom for the future that is before you. Girl, if no one believes in you I do, why because someone believed in me and spoke life into me. Sis, I come this morning to speak into your 2023:

Repeat after me:

I am the head and not the tail

I am more than a conquer through Christ that Strengthens me

I am a lender and not a borrower

I am chosen by God and created to do purpose

I will never be broke another day in my life

Wealth and riches live in my house

Everything thing that happens in 2023 will be for my God because God said so

Everything tongue that raising up against me shall be Condemned

I am favored by God

I am who God says that I am not who man says that I am

I am a woman that shows God how much I love him through my actions

In Jesus’ Name.

You can add more, but I want you to know that the word of God is true and what’s in you is necessary because of your experience. Sis, you have what it takes to change your life, and others that are around you, regardless of what you have done. Sidebar, if you have been a part of this email list you know I have been transparent with all of my mistakes, all of my flaws, and all of my broken moments, but what I found out throughout the years is God has used all of that for purpose. Listen you have been reading these emails from a girl that did not receive her diploma on graduation day, was told by close family members she would never be anything, and was rejected by many. But today that girl went back and got her diploma because of her amazing husband who believed in me and on top of that I have taught my curriculum to students and parents in schools that I thought I would not graduate from. I have had the honor of being a pastor, spiritual mother, and mentor to woman all over the world even to some that said I would not make it. I have also had the honor to be a speaker on platforms with women from the United States to the UK. What am I saying….. YOU HAVE WHAT TAKES!!! If you want to be used God will use you, but first you must:

Believe it
Receive it
Hear it
Speak it
Act on it

(Click Here or below to see new video on Accomplishments in 2022 & Preparing for 2023)

Lastly, I pray your year is filled with an abundance of overflow and that you embrace every opportunity that God has for you.

Your sister in Christ, Love, and Prosperity,

Tonya Harden

PS. Women of Destiny ladies, check your emails and I can’t wait to start our 4-week journey of Preparing for 2023. See you tonight at 7 pm.

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